Only a Few Angles Tomography in Science and Technology Back Ill-Posed Problems in a physical experiment |
Presented design professor, Ph.D., Phylonin O.V. in the field of tomography for scientific applications |
Solved problems |
Areas of Expertise |
Some steps |
Destinations advisory activities |
Developed and researched, problems
A few only projections methods and algorithms of reconstruction of parameters of physical objects, systems of diagnostics, the control and research of physical parameters:
Research of plasma and plasma impurity in installations such as Tocamac, STELARATOR.
Plasmas, plasma streams.
High-temperature gases, gas streams, processes of burning in thermal engines, FE, GTE.
Research of structure of composite materials (including building materials).
Quality control of welded and no detachable connections and articles for special use (visualisation of space disposition and configuration of gas pores, inclusions and other local objects) in welded connections.
Applications of few only projections computer tomography for medical diagnostics, (ORL - diagnostics, applications in stomatology, diagnostics of alien bodies).
Researches of fields of radiation of biological objects by methods few only projections 3D- tomography.
Development of algorithms and methods 3D - visualization, including three-dimensional, for problems a few only projections tomography. Development of methods and algorithms for the dynamics of the line 3D-reconstruction of the areas of sublimation of solids. Methods and tools for the direct three-dimensional reconstruction of the configuration of the cellular structures in relation to the optical microscopy. |
The fields of scientific interests ( development of problems and applied questions)
Ways of theoretical researches:
Methods and algorithms of "direct" 3D - reconstruction of parameters of physical objects with reference to problems optical tomography, radiographic and radiometric ways of fields of radiation detection behind objects (defectoscopy, introscopy, radiography including medical aspects) etc.
Methods of visualization of results 3D - reconstruction including three-dimensional (stereoscopy).
Development multi few- projection methods of reception of the initial information for problems optical 3D - tomography.
Development of algorithms and packages of applied programs for problems 3D - reconstruction.
Investigations of opportunities of local and global networks for realization algorithms of 3D - reconstruction.
By way of experimental investigations includes:
Development optical few projections systems for 3D - reconstruction of parameters self illumination including low illuminating physical objects.
Designing of electromechanical systems for research of x-ray fields and gamma rays of radiation, electromechanical scanners for reading the information from x-ray images of the various format, scanning systems on the basis of linear and bidimentional DQC matrixes.
Development spectral - tomography systems of laboratory type for research of plasma, flames etc. for scientific and educational laboratories.
Optimization of processes of burning in engines (ionization of pressure head streams,
Investigations of burning in sonic and ultrasonic fields etc.)
Development and research of small-sized high- frequency high power power supplies for high-field- emission arcs, plasma welding, small-sized plasmatron etc.
Development and research small-sized high- frequency, especially stable high-voltage (up to 30 кV) power supplies.
The founder of few - projection computer tomography (the first works in this area were published by him in 1970-1972 )
The author more than of 300 scientific works in this field.
The supervisor of studies of six executed master's theses. The supervisor of studies of more than 100 degree projects and degree works.
The founder of the first few- projection optical tomograph for research of parameters of plasma and fires.
The author of the few-projection tomograph for research of plasma, plasma streams, processes of burning in various engines, diagnostics of welded and one-piece connections, research of structure of composite materials, few-projection radiographic tomographs for medical diagnostics, optical tomographs for research in fields of radiation of biological objects etc.
The author of 3 tutorials in physics, physics of semiconductors, computer tomography.
The organizer of the second Whole-Union symposiums on computer tomography.and the first Whole-Union school of computer tomography., the editor of collections of reports of the international conferences and symposiums
Results of research works of O.V. Phylonin are introduced in leading organizations and Bureau of Construction of the USSR, the CIS (Institute after. B.E.Paton (Kiev), PTD after Ioffe A. I.(Saint Petersburg), the Perm Aircraft Engines (Perm), Scientific Research Institute Introscopy (Moscow) etc. (more than 20 organizations).
The supervisor of studies of scientific research laboratory of computer tomography.in SSAU, a member of the international society "OPTICS"... In 1983 the group of young scientists under the head of O.V.Phylonin received the premium of Lenin Comsomol for the number of works on few projection computer tomography. (Kuibyshev).
Professor Phylonin O.V.
Will carry out(spend) consultations for post-graduate students, students enganged on degree thesis and experts, including in on-line a mode (WEB - conference) or in the form of mail-exchanges on the following directions:
The general questions computer tomography, the mathematical device, effective algorithms of reconstruction etc.
Methods and means few projections optical tomography.
Working up algorithms 3D-reconstruction with reference to specific targets.
Working and syn a few projections optical systems for science and industrial diagnostics.
Designing of electromechanical, optic-mechanical scanners of special purpose for research of radiating fields, shadow images of x-ray pictures etc.
Designing tomography complexes on the basis of methods and algorithms few projections tomography.
Designing of optic-fiber systems of gathering of the information for problems a few projections diagnostics
Designing small-sized high-frequency high-voltage or high power supplies including controlled PC IBM.
Some questions, problems, features connected to operational systems Windows, Unix at realization of algorithms CT - reconstruction.
Consultations on training courses: physics, physics of semiconductors, computer tomograpy, details and units of exact mechanisms and devices, methods and means of not destroying control, computer science, digital methods and means of processing of signals.
Consultations on degree designing (in the listed and adjacent areas).
Guidance of post-graduate study, coarse competition, at any form of training (internal, in absentia) in the offered areas of research.
Consultations on drawing up of curricula, programs, a choice and a substantiation of disciplines on specialties of a radio-electronic structure.
Consultations on questions of the organization of various forms before high school preparation of entrants, development of programs in physics, mathematics for departments of radio engineering and system of automatic control.
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