Only a Few Angles Tomography in Science and Technology Back Ill-Posed Problems in a physical experiment |
Presented design professor, Ph.D., Phylonin O.V. in the field of tomography for scientific applications |
This page contains descriptions of course work, degree projects, theses dedicated to solving problems a few computed tomography. (The most interesting, and worked on graduate coursework and projects) |
Ershov I.G.
Simulation of tomography reconstruction processes in the FRT method.
Supervisor Phylonin OV
Batov V.I.
Development and research software package for simulating the formation of the projections for the problems of transmission tomography.
Supervisor Phylonin O.V.
Dzhougella B.
The calculation of the intermediate projections of the ring harmonics using Chebyshev polynomials.
Supervisor Phylonin O.V.
Cupcov D.A.
Development and research data collection systems to the CCD for the problems of computerized tomography.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Cubanov A., Grishenko C.
Modeling the process of obtaining projections of few in the medical X-ray diagnosis.
The scientific adviser Phylonin OV
Zelencov D.A.
Algorithms for preprocessing images for BT - the reconstruction.
Supervisor Phylonin OV
Muraviev A.N., Muravieva A.V.
Construction of one-dimensional Fourier transform for the problems of medical tomographic reconstruction.
Supervisor Phylonin OV
Шевцов А. В., Сирант Т. Л.
Calculation of the functions of the projections of two-dimensional image functions.
The scientific adviser Phylonin OV
Anpilogov M.V., Goncharov N.N.
Simulation of two-dimensional cross-section of an analytic function of the brain.
The scientific adviser Phylonin OV
Ivanov A.I.
The task of a full simulation of few diagnostic facility for the emission of the plasma method of collecting baseline data
The scientific adviser Phylonin OV
Djarkov A.V.
Modeling reconstruction procedure for a small number of projections.
The scientific adviser Phylonin OV
Shapkin D.S., Osmankin V.f.
The calculation of the intermediate Fourier images of the projections in the frequency domain using an interpolation formula Aitken.
The scientific adviser Phylonin OV
Suchanov B, Rodionov G.
Simulation of tomographic reconstruction of a given model convolution algorithm.
The scientific adviser Phylonin OV
Portnova i., Hramova E.
Simulation of two-dimensional function, receiving the projections, the calculation of their Fourier - spectra, calculate the intermediate projections and counts, the simulation of few full reconstruction procedure for the problems of medical diagnosis.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Odincov M.N., Groshev D.S.
The complete simulation of the tomographic reconstruction using convolution method of internal organs, with the ultra small number of initial projections (6 ¸ 12)
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Zolin S.A.
Mathematical modeling techniques tomography for biomedical applications.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Graduation projects,
Cupcov D.A.
Automatic impedance tomography system image input projections to the personal computer.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Semenovichev V.
Development and study of computerized tomographic binocular system for ophthalmic research.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Karaulov D.
Development and investigation of high-precision scanning system for the analysis of information in large-medical X-rays.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Fomina A.
Automated control system for educational research complex tomography for the diagnosis of plasma parameters and the structure of solids.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Zelencov D.
Only a few projections tomographic diagnosis system of brain tumors.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Moiseev A.
Tomography data entry system of stereoscopic optical microscope.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Mishurov D.
Microprocessor on-board engine management parameters.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Rezapov R.
Automated system for coupling a personal computer and NMR - imager.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Shevcov V.
Only a few projections diagnostic system of fuel injection in a zone of the intake manifold to the engine.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Chubarov S.
Storage device obtained by tomographic diagnosis of the tapes.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Lamin A.
Development and study of few X - ray tomography diagnostic system configuration spine.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Nazarov V.
High-speed input / output data with the NMR imager to tape.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Grigoriev A.
The system of few X-ray diagnosis of foreign bodies, tumors in the ENT practice problems.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Jablokov D.
The system of tomography reconstruction of the Kirlian glow.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Shevchenko V.
Tomography measurement system for fuel injection cars.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Korznikov I.
System input video data obtained by reconstructive tomography in a personal computer using direct memory access.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Berdnikov A.
Mathematical modeling of objects and methods of tomographic reconstruction, the study of the model structure according to the model.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Hapujenkov A.
X - ray tomography reconstruction of the spatial configuration of the system of the spinal column.
The scientific adviser Phylonin O.V.
Topics for the implementation of the graduation projects and theses (magister degree) |
Name of topic |
Contents |
Comments |
1. Synthesis system of three-dimensional data sets in two-dimensional tomograms for dental problems. |
The content of the graduation project involves the implementation and the following tasks: 1 – to develop a method of allocation of contours defined by the blackening density, on the CT scan, 2 – creation algorithm 3D - reconstruction of stratified data set of tomograms obtained with a certain step, 3 – Research and development of a stereoscopic method of displaying 3D - images of the surface along a set of synthetic fibered contours, 4 – development of electro-optical attachment to a standard flatbed scanner for scanning tomograms radiographs.
To meet this graduation project algorithms projection and stereoscopic presentation of information given by the head. Software packages must be implemented in C + +, (OS OS UNIX, Linux) |
2. Only a few projections tomography system to study the configuration and the spatial location of tumors, foreign bodies for the tasks of Otorhinolaryngology. |
Implementation of this project involves the following tasks:: 1 – develop a methodology 3D - few only diagnosis on the basis of radiographic methods for recording raw data, 2 – creation algorithm and software package for three-dimensional reconstruction techniques based on Fourier - Reconstruction. 3 – development of electro-mechanical scanner for two-dimensional projection function. |
Methods and software should provide the definition of spatial parameters of local objects (tumors, foreign bodies), the configuration of local objects is defined in terms of dimensions. Emphasis should be given to determining the spatial location and orientation of the object. (Programming language C + +, OS Linux) Electro-mechanical scanner for radiographic examination should be managed through a PC and provide a given geometry of the spatial scan.
3. Only a few projections micro totomography system analysis of cellular structures of the brain slices. |
This project will address the following problems: 1 – development micro tomography scanning system based on optical microscopy and coherent radiation sources, 2 – software development for a fiber reconstruction of cellular structures based on convolution algorithms, 3 – development of methods of allocation of contours \u0026quot;of equal densities\u0026quot;, 4 – development of the RFP for the construction of three-dimensional surfaces according to selected circuits of equal density \u0026quot;
Micro tomography scanning system involves the movement of the sample in a given direction and rotation in predetermined angles of convergence of the cell with a slice of the brain. Management of the system scan is performed through a PC. Software packages must be written in C + + and focus on UNIX like operating systems. |
4. Development of high-voltage AC (2, ... 20) kV, digitally controlled duty cycle and pulse width |
Involves the following stages:
1 – Selection and justification of the block diagram of the high AC voltage (VIPN), allowing software control by commands from the PC
2 – Calculation and mathematical modeling of the basic units of concept.
3 – Manufacture of basic layout of nodes, debugging prototype as a whole.
4 – Investigation of the basic characteristics VIPN on the layout of the ion-plasma thruster.
5 – Развитие структуры VIPN.
Software packages must be written in C + + and focus on UNIX like operating systems.
Estimated interface interface - USB 2.0 |
5. High-speed interface device - CCD matrix high-resolution PC |
In this diploma project is expected to solve the following problems: 1 – Selection and justification of the structural scheme of conjugation, which includes: 32-bit ADC, the intermediate RAM and ROM driver passed an array of data, etc.
2 - Calculation and mathematical modeling of the basic units of concept.
3 – Manufacture of basic layout of nodes, debugging prototype as a whole.
4 – Development of a design - CCD camera.
Features technical specifications:
This camera has a color CCD format 1024 x 1024 elements should provide a record of the individual image frames of duration less than 1 ms, with a maximum duty cycle of packet transmission on the channel, suggesting the presence of their own RAM, ROM - stores the firmware management of the consultation process.
Preset speeds survey and data may be required to develop its own PCI interface card with multiple USB ports. |
6. Current source for high-torches. |
Implementation of this project involves the following tasks:: 1- Selection and justification of the basic units of the block diagram of a current source with automatic current value, the maximum load current of 200 A. 2 - Calculation and mathematical modeling of the concept of the current source. 3 - Manufacturing model of the device and study its basic parameters. 4 – Development of a design power block.
Basic requirements specification for this unit are as follows:
Nutrition developed the device - single phase.
The system of regulation of the current arc should provide automatic optimization of current magnitude when changing the heads of the plasma torch, welding conditions, cutting, and form working gas, etc..
The design of the instrument must comply with the field operating conditions.
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